
SSL certificate configuration

  • ssl
  • 266

After ordering an SSL certificate, a link to the further configuration of your new certificate is sent to your E-mail.

When configuring, you also need to fill in the following fields:

  1. In the Order Type filed select New Order.
  2. In the Web Server Type field select Any Other.

After that, you need to generate a certificate request (CSR). When registering for an individual, you can specify N/A in the Organization field.

Next, we move on to the domain validation method. For RapidSSL certificate validation is available only by Email. For the rest, it is more convenient to choose validation by DNS or file validation (HTTP, HTTPS).

This completes the certificate configuration. Then return to the service page, where look at the DNS CNAME Record and create this DNS record.

When the SSL certificate is ready, a notification will be sent to your Email. The SSL certificate itself will be available on the service page, as well as root certificates for it.

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